AMNAS Act. Deputy General Manager attended Workshop on AIS AtoN (real and virtual) developments and their uses in Seoul, Republic of KOREA from 19th – 21st Oct 2016. The Workshop objective: To identify, consider and recognize current and potential uses of AIS, To contribute to the updating of IALA guidance on AIS, To explore harmonizing solutions for symbology charting and portrayal for potential uses of AIS, To promote IALA and its role in the maritime sphere.
Approving the Aids to Navigation franchise agreement between the Omani Government and Arabian Maritime & Navigation Aids Services LLC (AMNAS).
Al Ma’abela Industrial area
Block number 377
Street number 7767
Building Number 11525
P.O Box : 369 P.C : 122 Ma’abela
Sultanate of Oman.
Tel: +968 24462000, Fax: +968 24462010